Freedom is now. Let us walk beside you.

Freedom is now. Let us walk beside you.

If you or a loved one is struggling in the depths of addiction, let us walk beside you, offering realistic advice and options. You don't have to do this alone.

Divine Intervention Specialists


-Full addiction intervention services

-Assistance in getting into treatment

-Guidance to realistic options

-Life skills and mentoring

-One on one counseling

-Hope to the hopeless

-Boundary Setting

-Navigation through the dark

Parents of addicts:

Read these testimonies from parents who have watched their children fall further and further into the deep darkness of addiction. They watched their child continue the destructive path, year after year, not knowing what to do to help.

These parents are on our team, they understand the pain you are feeling and are here to walk beside you.

From the heart of a mother whose son was addicted to opiates:

If you would have told me, when I held my precious son in my arms as a newborn, that I would be the one that told him that he could choose treatment or remain on the streets of Bend, and he chose the streets and homelessness, I would have looked you in the eye and told you that you had lost your mind.  But that was reality for me, Kyle’s Mom.  When I acknowledged that my son was an addict, I went to war.  I read every book I could on co-dependence and I trusted God to rescue my son.  I NEVER lost hope because I knew that Jesus loved Kyle more than I did.  I knew that He was fighting for my son’s life and giving Kyle every chance to find freedom and healing.  What I didn’t know is what Kyle would choose………

From the eyes of a father, watching his son caught in the torment of addiction:

A parent’s worst nightmare. Finding out that your child is addicted to drugs. That he has been lying, manipulating, and stealing from you for years. How could I be that gullible? What did I do wrong as a father? Is this my fault? Where is God in all this?

Then the cycle begins: detox, treatment, brief sobriety....then it starts again....and again.

Throughout the journey I always felt God was there beside me, however my flesh would cause me to question myself, God and certainly my son. My lowest point was when I was in San Diego, and my wife and I received a screen shot from a pastor where my son had been attending.

It was a mug shot of him after he had been arrested for his second DUII in 24 hours. He had an excellent job. Was attending a church and narrowly missed running down a jogger while he was huffing dust spray, eventually running into a tree. Jail resulted, a "lifetime" driver’s license revocation, and the cycle began again! When will this end? Is it possible?”

Our team is made up of all aspects of addiction. We have parents of addicts, siblings of addicts, recovered meth addicts, recovered eating disorder teammates, recovered alcoholics, recovered opiate addicts, heroin, coke, fentanyl… the list goes on and on and we have the team that can empathize with where you are at. It may feel hopeless, but I promise you it is not. Reach out. We are here to help.

We understand prison, homelessness, brink of suicide, mental illness, PTSD, the torture of addiction, physical illness from alcohol abuse, losing your children to the state, grief from the death of a loved one or child, eating disorders, and so much more. A changing life preaches louder than one who is simply changed. Our team is constantly growing, constantly learning, and constantly working on our own heart issues as our Heavenly Father directs us. Recovery does not happen overnight; it is a lifetime commitment to change for the better. We need healing from the inside out and it all starts with step one, admitting we are powerless and cannot do this on our own.

Let our team sit and visit with you. You do not have to do this alone. 541-252-5270

Recovery is worth it.

“You don’t get over an addiction by stopping using. You recover by creating a new life where it is easier not to use; If you don’t create a new life, then all the factors that brought you to your addiction will catch up with you again.”

The time is now.

“Tomorrow depends on what you do today.”