Meet the Team

  • Stephanie Koontz

  • Kyle Koontz


  • Harley Stutzman


  • Ryan and Krista Matsen



  • Dave Flemming



  • Tony Koontz


  • Tony and Barbara Koontz


  • Ark77 Treatment Center

    Kail Harbick QMHA, CPSS, Executive Director

  • Harrisburg Christian Church

    601 Smith Street - Harrisburg, OR

You are no longer alone.

“God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things that I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.”

We can’t change the past. We can’t change the choice we made yesterday. But we can change today for a better tomorrow. Courage comes from our personal relationship with our Heavenly Father. Wisdom allows us to see that we can’t fix or change other people, we can only change ourselves and pray for the others as we lead by example.

“Living one day at a time, enjoying one moment at a time, accepting hardship as a pathway to peace.”

Today is happening now, right here is Holy. Right here, in this moment, is the exact moment God intended for you to be in, taking one step at a time towards the kingdom and into His freedom. This moment you are in, will be gone in an instant. Hardships will come, God has to chisel away the old in order to make beauty from the ashes. The trials and hardships we must walk through, no matter how painful they truly are, are producing in us the light He has called us to be. They are not meaningless. He is doing something great that we cannot yet see.

“Taking as Jesus did, this sinful world as it is, and not as I would have it. Trusting that you will make all things right if I surrender to will.”

Love. In world that is becoming more and more divided, love does. Some people aren’t ready to accept, and some people aren’t ready to change, love them anyways, exactly where they are. We want to try and fix them, but that is not our job to do. Our duty as followers of Christ is to love and lead by example, not just words. Our life should be a reflection of the love Jesus has shown us with his mercy, redemption, and grace. He set us free, as a gift, and it is not by our own strength. Love like you mean it. Love like you want it.

“So that I may be reasonably happy in this life, and supremely happy with you in the next.”

Following Jesus does not mean that life will be perfect. We live in a world that wants to devour us, and daily we fall short. Daily, we sin. Daily, we mess up. Which is why we need to take up our cross daily, surrendering today to Him. Consider it pure joy when we are faced with trials of many kinds, because we know that our Hope lies in Eternity with our Savior. He conquered death, so that we may walk in Freedom.

A changing life can preach louder than one who is simply just changed.
— Dr. Bruce Andrews

Our Purpose


Our Vision