Our vision is to fill the need at hand. With addiction and homelessness on the rise, Kyle and Stephanie want to give back to the community that helped saved their own lives. Our vision is so much more than just this. We want to walk beside individuals, teaching life skills along with career skills, helping them navigate life sober. Through the storms, through the trials, and through the tears, we serve a mighty God who is beyond able to move our mountains if we Trust in Him and allow His will to be our vision. Our team is made up of recovered addicts, siblings of addicts, parents of addicts, husbands, wives, counselors, pastoral guidance, and local community programs who all understand the dark depths of addiction.

  • The first stage of Divine Intervention is the Intervention stage. Let us walk beside you, offering wisdom, counsel, and advice. We offer realistic and affordable options that are specific to each individual to get them the help they need. Whether you are an addict caught in the storm, or a loved one watching without hope, let us guide you to the help you need.

  • Currently, we have assisted dozens of clients in making the choice to enter a detox or treatment facility. Each individual is case by case; we all have a different story to tell. We believe that God has a specific path for each person that walks through our doors, and we prayerfully meet and create a game plan that is specifically designed for the individual’s needs. Whether you are coming from the streets, from prison, or repenting in a church pew, we are here to walk beside you, shining His light on the darkness at hand.

We have a passion and a burning desire in our hearts to help others out of the depths of Hell. We have been there, we understand, and we want to help. Freedom is indeed possible. Please reach out today.

We have a passion and a burning desire in our hearts to help others out of the depths of Hell. We have been there, we understand, and we want to help. Freedom is indeed possible. Please reach out today.


“The heart of a volunteer is never measured in size, but in the depth of the commitment to make a difference in the lives of others.”


It truly does take a village to raise a warrior. You have skills that we do not have, and we need you. Call us, partner with us, join us, and help be the positive change that is needed in this broken world. Help put Hope within reach for those who are desperately seeking a better life. Our future can only grow if the strength of our team grows. Whether you can provide financial assistance, or hands on help in the mud right beside us, listen to that nudge in your heart and get involved!

OUR FUTURE DREAM as we build and grow and partner with others:

  • The second stage will provide transitional housing, providing an opportunity to learn how to live day by day with a healthy lifestyle. We teach by example, setting our foundation in Christ first, and letting the rest fall into place as we grow. Transitional housing will set each individual up for success as opposed to the sink or swim method when people transition out of secular inpatient and into a world that wants to devour. Our transitional homes will provide the safe transition, at each individual’s speed, whether they come from the streets, or from an inpatient facility, it takes time to relearn basic life skills. Let us walk beside you in this journey. In this stage, we will provide hands on training for career skills. Landscaping, welding, pipefitting, wood working, ranch work, farm work, gardening, house cleaning, financial advising, are just a few of the skills we can provide hands on training for. We want to watch each person succeed. This stage and program will provide funding for licensing and fees, along with startup equipment, for clients to become business owners. This stage will become a reality when funding is available.

  • The third stage will incorporate extensive outpatient treatment within our transitional housing. Alongside licensed specialists, the individuals who live in the transitional housing will learn hands on how to give back and teach others what they are learning as they grow. This stage will become a reality when funding is available.

Help us make this a reality.
Consider donating today.
— DIS Staff

Today is the day. Make the call.

Make the change. 541-252-5270


Our Team